Monday, May 21, 2012

Malay Foods


     To develop and introduce typical Malay culture can be done in various ways, especially in the Pekanbaru city which known with Kota Bertuah. Not only Malay culture, Malay costums, there was another one that has a unique thing in this city. There are is Malay food and beverages.
This is some kind of Malay Food and Beverages.

Asam pedas ikan patin is one of Malay cuisine, Riau exactly. Almost in every restaurant in the Pekanbaru city provides asam pedas ikan patin. If you want enjoy this food, don’t stop at Padang restaurant. Looking for a restaurant with a frill ‘Riau’ at Sudirman street. 

Recipe and ingredients of this food is easy to get. With the form of slightly yellow-colored sauce and thick, made asam pedas ikan patin more open appetite especially when it served with boiled potatoes vegetable or sambal terung asam from malay.
How to make Asam Pedas Ikan Patin ?

Ingredients :
1 Kg Patin fish
1 ounce of starfruit
1 tea spoon of salt
Flavouring to taste
2 tablespoon  of cooking oil
1 tomato slice
1 turmeric leaf
3 lime leaves
1 vertebra minced ginger
1 stalk lemongrass
2 cups water

Seasoning :
1 ounce of red pepper
5 spring onions
5 cloves garlic
1 vertebra finger ginger

How to cook :
All the finely ground spices and sauteed,
Then enter the leaves,
After that pour the water until boiling enter the fish that have been clean,
After a little mature reduce the heat and drop tomato and flavour.


Roti Jala or Roti Kirai is the second typical Malay cuisine. Sold during Ramadhan, this food actually is a culinary from Tanjung Pinang Riau archipelago. In addition to the distinctive taste, the price of one serving is relatively cheap. At the time of the Ramadhan month we will easily find the vendors selling food and the prices are usually offered  for one serving of bread is Rp. 5000. At the first and second day of Ramadhan sell a lot.

This food actually a kind of originate culinary from India or Timur Tengah which was adopted by Indonesia and named Roti Jala. The materials that needed to make this special food is a mixture of flour and eggs cooked thin and poured into such as nets as well as compromised. Then Roti Jala or roti kirai added by a typical Malay curry, but not too thick. For those of us who didn’t understand about this cuisine, they will be assumed that Roti Jala is Omelette. This is because Roti Jala so similar face with omelette.

How to make Roti Jala ?
Ingredients :
·         Cake flour 150 grams
·         Chicken eggs 2, beaten
·         250 ml coconut milk of ¼ coconut
·         1 teaepoon salt
·         2 tablespoon cooking oil
·         1 tablespoon margarine

How To Make :
  1. Mix the flour and salt and stir well,
  2. Mix the flour and coconut milk, stir well,
  3. Pour the egg mixture into the flour gradually, stirring until blended,
  4. Add cooking oil and stir well,
  5. Put the mixture in a triangle plastic,
  6. Heat a nonstick frying pan, rub with margarine. Spray the dough form a mesh, and cook over low heat until cooked. Lift and repeat until dough runs out,
  7. Serve as an accompainment of curry/stew.


Bolu Kemojo is Malay food. This cake is always being a special meal at a celebration/festivity and often served to open the menu fast also serving to guests on the day Eid. This food is come from Siak Sri Indrapura.

How to make Bolu Kemojo ? 

Ingredients :
  • 6 chicken eggs
  • 3 cups coconut milk with pandan water
  • 250 grams of margarine
  • 300 grams of Segitiga flour
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Vanilla to taste

How to cook?
  1. Stirred eggs and sugar,
  2. Put coconut milk, flour, and margarine liquid, stirring until smooth,
  3. Heat the mold,
  4. Pour the butter into the mold and oven for 45 minutes at 175 degrees Celcius, the heatis evenly distributes above and below.


This beverage is come from Pekanbaru city. This drink is very tasty and refreshing, especially when taken during the hot weather.

How to make Air Mata Pengantin?
Ingredients :
  • ☻   1 packet of gelatin powder without color
  • ☻   3 drops of red dye
  • ☻   3 drops of yellow coloring
  • ☻   3 drops of green dye
  • ☻   3 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • ☻   600 cc of water
  • ☻   100 grams of nata de coco
  • ☻   4 tablespoon basil seeds
  • ☻   300 grams cantaloupe, roughly crushed
  • ☻   100 cc coco pandan syrup
  • ☻   Ice cube/crushed ice to taste

How to make :
  1. Mix gelatin powder, sugar, and water
  2. Cook until boiling, stirring rate
  3. For the three sections, each red, yellow, and green colored
  4. Remove and let cool
  5. After frozen, each gelatin rough planed
  6. Mix all ingredients, add crushed ice/ice cubes
  7. Serve in 6 cups.


Laksmana Mengamuk ice is a cold drink using kuini fruit as main ingredient. May be many people confused when they hear the name of this Riau Malay beverage. It is said, the existence of this drink originate from an angry Laksmana in the kuini garden. Laksmana was raging because his wife was taken away by the owner of kuini garden. Laksmana’s sword slashing in all directions, until finally destroyed dozens of kuini fruit of his anger.

After he completed his emotions and came home, people around the kuini garden take dozens of fruit that has been laid on the grass. At the first they confused, what will they do with the kuini fruit. Up to a woman mixing the pieces kuini with coconut milk and brown sugar. That’s Laksmana Mengamuk ice.

How to make this ice?
Ingredients :
  • ♫ 1 kuini fruit
  • ♫ 150 grams white sugar
  • ♫ ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • ♫ 500 ml of water
  • ♫ Ice to cool

How to make :
  1. Boil syrup ingredients until boiling and sugar dissolves, remove from heat and chill
  2. Enter kuini fruit, add ice, then cool off.


Pekanbaru          : Asam Pedas Baung, Keling Noodle.
Kampar             : Lepat Bugi, Lemang.
Kuantan Singingi   : Gelamai, Konji barayak.
Rokan Hulu         : Kokek Asam Durian.
Bengkalis          : Lempuk Durian, Sambal Belacan, Sagu Rendang.
Siak               : Kue Bangkit, Kue Apam, Kembang Loyang.

 ** sorry for my bad english ^^ .. 
i hope it's useful and helpful :D
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